☀️ Sunday Feel Good Flow ⭐ - Manifesting with Love: Discover the Power of Giving

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Happy Sunday and Welcome to the latest edition of the Feel Good Flow Newsletter. I am excited to share some fresh insights and inspiration with you today.

Dear Reader,

Welcome to this week's newsletter, and welcome to another week of growth and transformation. 🌱 ☀️ 🌿

As we move through our lives, seeking connection, fulfillment, and purpose, we often wonder how to manifest the love, kindness, and abundance we desire.

Give What You Want to Receive - the answer lies in this simple yet profound principle.

In this week’s newsletter, we’re diving deep into the theme of manifesting with love.

⤵️ Click on the link and read the latest BLOG post also about this 📖:

We'll explore how giving from a place of love, faith, and trust not only enriches our lives but also brings peace, calmness, and a sense of purpose.

We'll also share a heartwarming story about Noah and Sophia and offer practical steps and affirmations to help you on your journey.

What Does "Give What You Want to Receive" Mean?

At its core, this principle teaches us that the energy we put into the world is the energy we attract back into our lives.

When we give love, we receive love. When we offer kindness, we are met with kindness.

This is not just about material gifts, but about the intangible—love, compassion, understanding, and presence.

Manifesting with love begins with understanding that we are all connected. Our actions, thoughts, and intentions ripple out into the world and return to us.

When we give freely and from a pure heart, we align with the natural flow of the universe, bringing harmony, peace, and fulfillment into our lives.

The Power of Giving: Bringing Peace, Calmness, and Love

When we give from a place of love, we create a vibration that resonates with the highest frequencies of the universe.

This vibration attracts similar energies, creating a cycle of positivity and abundance.

Imagine walking into a room with a warm smile and an open heart.

Your energy instantly transforms the space, making others feel welcome and valued. This is the power of giving—it not only changes your environment but also nurtures your soul.

Giving from love also helps us transcend fear and scarcity.

It encourages us to trust in the universe's abundance, knowing that what we give will come back to us in ways we may never have imagined. This trust brings a deep sense of peace and calm, as we no longer worry about what we lack but focus on what we can share.

Practical Steps to Discover and Manifest Your Love and Purpose

❤️ Reflect on Your Desires:

Take time each day to sit in stillness and ask yourself what you truly want in life.

What does your heart desire most?

This could be love, peace, joy, or fulfillment. Write these desires down.

🧡 Give What You Seek:

Identify ways to offer these desires to others.

If you seek love, show love in your interactions.

If you desire peace, bring calmness into your environment.

Start with small acts and notice how they make you feel.

💛 Practice Gratitude:

Develop an attitude of gratitude for what you already have.

It raises your vibration and attracts more of what you desire when you focus on gratitude, which shifts the focus from lack to abundance.

💚 Create a Giving Ritual:

Set aside time each week to consciously give to others.

This could be volunteering, offering support to a friend, or simply being present for someone in need.

This ritual will help you stay aligned with the principle of giving.

Affirm Your Abundance

Use affirmations to reinforce your belief in the power of giving. Some affirmations you can use include:

🩷 "I give love freely and receive love abundantly."

🩵 "I am a source of light and kindness in the world."

💙 "What I give returns to me multiplied in love and joy."

💜 "I trust in the abundance of the universe.

+ 🤍 "I am open to giving and receiving love, knowing that abundance flows effortlessly to and through me."

The Wise Sage and the Empty Cup

In a peaceful village nestled in the mountains, there lived a wise sage known for his deep understanding of life and the universe. People from distant lands traveled to seek his wisdom, hoping to find answers to their most pressing questions.
One day, a wealthy man, burdened by the weight of his success and possessions, decided to visit the sage. Despite his riches, he felt an emptiness inside that no amount of wealth could fill. He had heard of the sage’s wisdom and believed that perhaps the sage could reveal the secret to true happiness and fulfillment.
As the man arrived at the sage’s humble abode, he was struck by the simplicity of the surroundings. The sage welcomed him with a warm smile and invited him to sit.
- What brings you to my home? - asked the sage.
The man, eager to share his troubles, began to speak rapidly.
- I have everything I could ever want—wealth, power, influence. Yet, I feel an emptiness inside. I cannot find peace. I’ve come to ask you to teach me the secret of happiness and fulfillment.
The sage listened patiently and then offered to pour the man a cup of tea. The man watched as the sage poured, but soon realized that the sage wasn’t stopping. The tea began to overflow, spilling onto the table and the floor.
- Stop! The cup is full! - the man exclaimed in frustration. - No more will fit in!
The sage paused, looked at the man, and smiled.
- Like this cup, you are full—full of your own desires, worries, and preconceived notions. How can I show you the path to happiness when you are already overflowing?
The man fell silent, realizing the truth in the sage’s words.
The sage continued,
- To receive new wisdom, you must first empty your cup—your mind and heart—of what no longer serves you. You must let go of the need to always acquire more and instead focus on what you can give. In giving, you make space within yourself to receive the true abundance that life has to offer.
The man was puzzled.
- But how can giving bring me what I seek? I have spent my life accumulating, believing that more would fill this void.
The sage replied,
- True happiness comes not from what we take but from what we give. When you give freely, without expecting anything in return, you align yourself with the natural flow of the universe. You release the energy of abundance into the world, and that energy returns to you in ways you may not expect.
The man nodded slowly, beginning to understand. The sage then asked him to return to the village and spend the next month giving to others—his time, his attention, his kindness. The man agreed though he was unsure of what this practice would bring.
As the weeks passed, the man began to notice a change within himself. He spent time listening to the villagers, offering help where he could, and sharing what he had with those in need. He found joy in the simple act of giving, and the emptiness he once felt began to fade.
By the end of the month, the man returned to the sage, a look of peace and contentment on his face.
- I have followed your advice, - he said. - And I have found what I was searching for. The more I gave, the more I received—not in material wealth, but in love, connection, and a sense of purpose. The void within me has been filled with the joy of giving.
The sage smiled,
- You have learned that the true secret to happiness lies in the act of giving. When you give what you want to receive, you create a space for that very thing to come into your life. This is the universal law of reciprocity—what you send out into the world returns to you, multiplied.
The man bowed deeply, filled with gratitude. He had come seeking happiness, and through the simple yet profound act of giving, he had found it.

Journey of the Heart: Tales of Noah and Sophia

🕊️ Noah and Sophia: Unraveling Desires to Discover Their True Purpose

Noah and Sophia had always felt a deep longing for something more in their lives. They pursued various goals, driven by desires that seemed to shift with the wind. But despite their efforts, they often felt empty, as if something was missing.

One day, they decided to explore these desires more deeply.

They asked themselves, "What do we truly want? What is our heart's deepest desire?"

You can read more about Noah and Sophia's journey in their latest story, "Noah and Sophia: Unraveling Desires to Discover Their True Purpose," by clicking here.

The Journey of Giving and Receiving

As you move through this week, remember that the energy you put into the world comes back to you.

Give boldly with an open heart, and you will not only enrich the lives of others but also align yourself with the universal flow of abundance. 🙏

May you find peace, love, and fulfillment in the simple act of giving.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with us.

We hope that this newsletter brings you inspiration and joy and that you feel the love and kindness that you so generously share with others.

With love and gratitude 💕,


P.S. Don't forget to follow me on social media for daily inspiration and encouragement. Let's stay connected on this beautiful path of personal development and transformation! ⌨️💻🌐⤵️

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See you next Sunday 💕,


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I'm glad you're here, I'm Gabriella Rujsz.

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☀️ Your weekly dose of inspiration and guidance ⭐ ☀️ Find inner peace and happiness with the weekly newsletter ⭐ FEEL GOOD FLOW Happy Sunday and Welcome to the latest edition of the Feel Good Flow Newsletter. I am excited to share some fresh insights and inspiration with you today. Dear Reader, Welcome to another week of growth and transformation. 🌸 🌱 🦋 In this week's newsletter, we’re delving into a theme that speaks to the heart of our spiritual journey: Trusting Divine Timing. It’s about...

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☀️ Your weekly dose of inspiration and guidance ⭐ ☀️ Find inner peace and happiness with the weekly newsletter ⭐ FEEL GOOD FLOW Happy Sunday and Welcome to the latest edition of the Feel Good Flow Newsletter. I am excited to share some fresh insights and inspiration with you today. Dear Reader, I hope this message finds you well and surrounded by positivity. 🌟 This week, I’m excited to share our latest blog post, “The Power of Saying No: Embracing Self-Love and Boundaries.” This theme is...

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☀️ Your weekly dose of inspiration and guidance ⭐ ☀️ Find inner peace and happiness with the weekly newsletter ⭐ FEEL GOOD FLOW Happy Sunday and Welcome to the latest edition of the Feel Good Flow Newsletter. I am excited to share some fresh insights and inspiration with you today. Dear Reader, Welcome to this week's newsletter, and welcome to another week of growth and transformation. ☀️ 🌼🌟 This week, we delve into a theme that touches many hearts and minds: "The Need for Recognition: Find...