☀️ Sunday Feel Good Flow ⭐ - Embracing Non-Negotiables: Your Path to Authentic Living

☀️ Your weekly dose of inspiration and guidance ⭐

☀️ Find inner peace and happiness with the weekly newsletter ⭐


Happy Sunday and Welcome to the latest edition of the Feel Good Flow Newsletter. I am excited to share some fresh insights and inspiration with you today.

Dear Reader,

I am so glad you are here, and I hope this message finds you well, feeling inspired and at peace. ☀️💖

In this week's edition, we delve into the profound journey of embracing non-negotiables in life.

It's about honoring your values, setting boundaries, and staying true to yourself amidst life's myriad choices.

Embracing Non-Negotiables in Life: Honoring Your Values

In the latest blog post, we explore the importance of identifying and honoring our non-negotiables.

These are the principles and values. They guide us, define our boundaries, and shape our decisions.

Learn how to embrace these essential elements of self-care and authenticity as you navigate life's twists and turns.

🙏❤️ Cultivating Authentic Living: A Motivational Story 📖

Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there lived a young woman named Maya.

She was passionate about her career but often found herself overwhelmed and drained by the demands of others.

One day, after a particularly challenging week, Maya decided to take a step back and reassess her priorities.

She realized that she had been neglecting her own needs and compromising her values to please others.

With newfound clarity, Maya set out on a journey of self-discovery, courageously embracing her non-negotiables and reclaiming her authenticity.

We are reminded, through this inspiring tale, of the power of honoring our values and living with integrity.

Journey of the Heart: Tales of Noah and Sophia

Noah and Sophia's New Journey: "A New Beginning"

Join Noah and Sophia on their latest adventure as they explore the transformative power of attention and intention.

In "A New Beginning," they embark on a journey of mindful creation, shaping their destiny with purpose and clarity.

Follow along as they manifest their dreams and discover the magic of conscious living.

Take Action - Reflect and Embrace

As you read through our featured content, take a moment to reflect on your non-negotiables.

💚 What values are essential to your well-being and happiness?

💙 How can you honor these principles in your daily life?

Embrace the journey of self-discovery and authenticity, knowing that you deserve to live in alignment with your deepest truths.

Thank you for joining us on this exploration of embracing non-negotiables in life.

May you find inspiration and empowerment in honoring your values and living authentically.

Remember, you hold the power to shape your reality and create a life that aligns with your heart's desires.

Wishing you a week filled with joy, purpose, and the courage to live your truth.

With love and gratitude 💕,


P.S. Don't forget to follow me on social media for daily inspiration and encouragement. Let's stay connected on this beautiful path of personal development and transformation! ⌨️💻🌐⤵️

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See you next Sunday 💕,


113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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I'm glad you're here, I'm Gabriella Rujsz.

Welcome to my world of self-discovery and growth! Through my writings, I hope to inspire and empower you to live your best life too. Subscribe to receive weekly doses of inspiration and practical tips on topics such as mindfulness, self-care, personal development, and more. Let's grow together!

Read more from I'm glad you're here, I'm Gabriella Rujsz.
A bird flying in the sky with a full moon in the background

☀️ Your weekly dose of inspiration and guidance ⭐ ☀️ Find inner peace and happiness with the weekly newsletter ⭐ FEEL GOOD FLOW Happy Sunday and Welcome to the latest edition of the Feel Good Flow Newsletter. I am excited to share some fresh insights and inspiration with you today. Dear Reader, Welcome to another week of growth and transformation. 🌸 🌱 🦋 In this week's newsletter, we’re delving into a theme that speaks to the heart of our spiritual journey: Trusting Divine Timing. It’s about...


☀️ Your weekly dose of inspiration and guidance ⭐ ☀️ Find inner peace and happiness with the weekly newsletter ⭐ FEEL GOOD FLOW Happy Sunday and Welcome to the latest edition of the Feel Good Flow Newsletter. I am excited to share some fresh insights and inspiration with you today. Dear Reader, Welcome to this week's newsletter, and welcome to another week of growth and transformation. 🌱 ☀️ 🌿 As we move through our lives, seeking connection, fulfillment, and purpose, we often wonder how to...

man raising right hand

☀️ Your weekly dose of inspiration and guidance ⭐ ☀️ Find inner peace and happiness with the weekly newsletter ⭐ FEEL GOOD FLOW Happy Sunday and Welcome to the latest edition of the Feel Good Flow Newsletter. I am excited to share some fresh insights and inspiration with you today. Dear Reader, I hope this message finds you well and surrounded by positivity. 🌟 This week, I’m excited to share our latest blog post, “The Power of Saying No: Embracing Self-Love and Boundaries.” This theme is...