β˜€οΈ Sunday Feel Good Flow ⭐ - Discover Inner Harmony: Embrace Authentic Living 🌟

β˜€οΈ Your weekly dose of inspiration and guidance ⭐

β˜€οΈ Find inner peace and happiness with the weekly newsletter ⭐


Happy Sunday and Welcome to the latest edition of the Feel Good Flow Newsletter. I am excited to share some fresh insights and inspiration with you today.

Dear Reader,


I hope this message makes you feel good and ready to dive deep into the theme of finding inner harmony and embracing authenticity.


In our bustling lives amidst the noise of the world, finding inner harmony can sometimes feel like a distant dream.

Yet, it's within our reach, awaiting our embrace.

This week, our journey together delves into the theme of "Finding Inner Harmony: Transcending the Illusion of Physical Identity."


‡️ Click on the link and read our latest BLOG post also about this πŸ“–:


Seeing Beyond the Physical Being 🌟

Beyond the surface of our physical form lies the essence of who we truly are.

By seeing beyond the limitations of physical identity, we open ourselves to a world of infinite possibilities and deeper connections.

Embracing the beauty of our inner being allows us to cultivate inner harmony and experience life with a renewed sense of wonder and appreciation.

Practice for Inner Harmony

Exercises for Self-Awareness and Openness

Strengthen your inner foundation with simple yet profound practices.

By cultivating self-awareness and openness, you pave the way for transformation.


Mirror Reflection

Taking time to look into the mirror and affirm your worthiness and authenticity can help you cultivate self-awareness and self-acceptance.

By noticing any thoughts or judgments that arise and letting them go, you can foster a deeper connection with your inner essence and cultivate inner harmony.


Breathing Practice

When you take a few mindful breaths, it can help you center yourself and find inner peace amidst the busyness of daily life.

By practicing slow, deep breaths and visualizing yourself releasing tension and stress, you can create a sense of calm and presence in the moment, allowing you to connect more deeply with your inner self and experience greater harmony.

Embracing the Journey:

πŸͺ· The Lotus Blossom: A Tale of Inner Harmony πŸͺ·

Immerse yourself in the story of the Lotus Blossom, a symbol of beauty, resilience, and inner harmony.

Let this heartwarming tale inspire you to embrace your unique journey and bloom into your fullest potential.


πŸͺ· In a tranquil pond nestled within a lush garden, there bloomed a solitary lotus blossom. Its delicate petals unfurled gracefully, shimmering in the gentle caress of the morning sunlight. Despite the ever-changing currents and ripples of the water, the lotus remained steadfast, rooted in the depths of the murky pond.
One day, a gentle breeze whispered through the garden, carrying with it the faint scent of jasmine and the soft murmur of ancient wisdom. Intrigued, the lotus listened intently, feeling a stirring within its core. The breeze spoke of the interconnectedness of all things, of the eternal dance of life and death, and of the inherent harmony that permeated the universe.
As the days passed, the lotus embraced the wisdom of the breeze, learning to surrender to the flow of life with grace and acceptance. It discovered that true harmony arose not from resisting change, but from embracing it fully, just as the lotus embraced the ebb and flow of the pond.
With each passing season, the lotus blossomed more radiantly, its petals aglow with the vibrant hues of inner peace and serenity. It became a beacon of light and hope for all who beheld its beauty, a living testament to the power of inner harmony amidst life's ever-changing tides. πŸͺ·


And so, the lotus bloomed, not despite the challenges it faced, but because of them.

For it understood that true harmony lay not in the absence of adversity but in the unwavering faith that all things unfolded according to the divine rhythm of the universe.

In the heart of a lush garden, a delicate lotus blossom blooms. Its petals, unfurling gracefully, whisper secrets of inner harmony to those who pause to listen.

Amidst the chaos of life, this story reminds us that serenity can be found within.

Journey of the Heart: Tales of Noah and Sophia


Noah and Sophia's Adventure: πŸͺžπŸ’– - Noah and Sophia’s Journey of Authenticity and Integrity​

Follow Noah and Sophia as they embark on a new adventure of living in truth.

Get inspired to embrace honesty, transparency, and inner harmony in your own life, and learn from their experiences.

Inspiring Resources

πŸŽ₯ Movie Recommendation:

🎬 "Peaceful Warrior" - Dive into the journey of a young athlete who discovers inner strength and harmony through unexpected teachings.

It is based on the book "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman.

It explores the journey of a young gymnast who discovers deeper truths about life, purpose, and inner peace through the guidance of a mysterious mentor.

The film resonates with the theme of inner harmony and self-discovery.


video preview​


πŸ“š Book Recommendation:

πŸ“• "The Power of Now - Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment" - Eckhart Tolle. In the book, Eckhart gives us deep insight into finding inner peace and harmony by living in the present moment.


May these resources serve as companions on your path toward inner harmony, guiding you to new insights and revelations.

These resources can provide further inspiration and wisdom on the journey toward inner peace and harmony. πŸ™πŸͺ½

🌸 Exciting Announcement! 🌸


I am thrilled to share with you all that I've had the honor of being featured as a guest writer on TheHappyMystic.com! πŸŽ‰

In my article "Hopeful Beginnings: Nurturing Seeds of Possibility," I delve into the transformative power of new beginnings and the beautiful journey of nurturing seeds of possibility. ✨

I am deeply grateful for this incredible opportunity, and I invite you to read the article on TheHappyMystic.com to explore insights into hope, faith, and trust.

Let's celebrate the magic of new beginnings together! 🌟

A special thank you to Peggy for this wonderful opportunity.

Check out her page for more inspiring content and heartfelt wisdom. πŸ’–

πŸ“– Read the article here ‡️:



Thank you for joining us on this journey of self-discovery and inner harmony.

Remember, embracing authenticity is a powerful path to finding peace and fulfillment within yourself. πŸͺ·

With a lot of love and peace πŸ’•,



P.S. Don't forget to follow me on social media for daily inspiration and encouragement. Let's stay connected on this beautiful path of personal development and transformation! βŒ¨οΈπŸ’»πŸŒβ€΅οΈ

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See you next Sunday πŸ’•,



113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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I'm glad you're here, I'm Gabriella Rujsz.

Welcome to my world of self-discovery and growth! Through my writings, I hope to inspire and empower you to live your best life too. Subscribe to receive weekly doses of inspiration and practical tips on topics such as mindfulness, self-care, personal development, and more. Let's grow together!

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β˜€οΈ Your weekly dose of inspiration and guidance ⭐ β˜€οΈ Find inner peace and happiness with the weekly newsletter ⭐ FEEL GOOD FLOW Happy Sunday and Welcome to the latest edition of the Feel Good Flow Newsletter. I am excited to share some fresh insights and inspiration with you today. Dear Reader, Welcome to another week of growth and transformation. 🌸 🌱 πŸ¦‹ In this week's newsletter, we’re delving into a theme that speaks to the heart of our spiritual journey: Trusting Divine Timing. It’s about...


β˜€οΈ Your weekly dose of inspiration and guidance ⭐ β˜€οΈ Find inner peace and happiness with the weekly newsletter ⭐ FEEL GOOD FLOW Happy Sunday and Welcome to the latest edition of the Feel Good Flow Newsletter. I am excited to share some fresh insights and inspiration with you today. Dear Reader, Welcome to this week's newsletter, and welcome to another week of growth and transformation. 🌱 β˜€οΈ 🌿 As we move through our lives, seeking connection, fulfillment, and purpose, we often wonder how to...

man raising right hand

β˜€οΈ Your weekly dose of inspiration and guidance ⭐ β˜€οΈ Find inner peace and happiness with the weekly newsletter ⭐ FEEL GOOD FLOW Happy Sunday and Welcome to the latest edition of the Feel Good Flow Newsletter. I am excited to share some fresh insights and inspiration with you today. Dear Reader, I hope this message finds you well and surrounded by positivity. 🌟 This week, I’m excited to share our latest blog post, β€œThe Power of Saying No: Embracing Self-Love and Boundaries.” This theme is...